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Welcome to our blog! Here, we share tips, insights, and stories about the yachting lifestyle. From destination guides to yacht reviews, our blog is the perfect resource for yacht enthusiasts and anyone who loves the sea.

Montenegro Charter & Touch Adriatic

On the eve of the upcoming season, on 24th May, Montenegrin Nikki Beach will hold a season opening, where the cooperation of two regional charter companies will be presented.
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DISCOUNT! 34 meter yacht - price never lower than this!

M/Y ACCEPTUS, 34 m Custom line 112 beauty by the Italian shipyard Ferretti, is an outstanding yacht offering her clients a flawless design and bespoke comfort.
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Set Sail for Adventure: Join Our Sailing Day

Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable maritime journey? Join us for an exhilarating sailing day adventure along the stunning Boka Bay coastline!
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Packing tips for your weekly yacht charter adventure

Are you ready to set sail for a week of fun with your yachting buddies?Whether you're a seasoned sea dog or a newbie sailor, getting all your gear in order is the secret to a fantastic voyage. Sunscreen? Check. Snacks? Double check. Here's your go-to list for a day out with your favorite yachting crew!
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